June 5, 2008

Tour ends with another disappointing loss

The Tall Ferns ended their European tour with another very disappointing loss to the Czech Republic, 46-73.

Of particular concern to Cardinal fans is whether Clare and Jillian will continue to be Tall Ferns. The tour has thrown the Olympic selection wide open -- the players left at home are still very much in the running. No box scores of these games were published, so we have little idea of Clare's and Jillian's standings.

Jillian should be OK -- she was the top scorer and rebounder twice, and her averages per game in the Good Luck Beijing Tournament were 25 minutes,  11.7 points and 6.3 rebounds.

We know less of Clare, and nothing at all about her performance as a point guard in ways that don't show up in box scores.

The Tall Ferns will be back in New Zealand until the pre-Olympic games in China the first week of August. Read more...

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